ツールキット Qt 5.12 LTS をソースからビルドする。
# Build essentials
sudo apt install build-essential perl python git
# Libxcb
sudo apt install '^libxcb.*-dev' libx11-xcb-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libxrender-dev libxi-dev
# OpenGL
sudo apt install flex bison gperf libicu-dev libxslt-dev ruby
# Qt WebEngine
sudo apt install libssl-dev libxcursor-dev libxcomposite-dev libxdamage-dev libxrandr-dev libdbus-1-dev libfontconfig1-dev libcap-dev libxtst-dev libpulse-dev libudev-dev libpci-dev libnss3-dev libasound2-dev libxss-dev libegl1-mesa-dev
# Qt Multimedia
sudo apt install libgstreamer1.0-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev
# QDoc Documentation Generator Tool
sudo apt install libclang-6.0-dev llvm-6.0
# source
git clone git://git.qt-users.jp/mirror/qt/qt5.git --branch v5.12.6 --depth 1
cd qt5
./init-repository --module-subset=qtbase,qtdeclarative,qtsvg,qttools,qttranslations,qtx11extras
# オプション設定
time nice ./configure --opensource --confirm-license --nomake=examples --nomake=tests --developer-build QMAKE_CXXFLAGS+=-w
+ cd qtbase
+ /media/qtuser/XF/qt5/qtbase/configure -top-level --opensource --confirm-license --nomake=examples --nomake=tests --developer-build QMAKE_CXXFLAGS+=-w
<srcbase> = /media/qtuser/XF/qt5/qtbase
<bldbase> = /media/qtuser/XF/qt5/qtbase
<outbase> = /media/qtuser/XF/qt5/qtbase
Creating qmake...
This is the Qt Open Source Edition.
You have already accepted the terms of the Open Source license.
Running configuration tests...
Done running configuration tests.
Configure summary:
Build type: linux-g++ (i386, CPU features: <none>)
Compiler: gcc 7.4.0
Configuration: use_gold_linker sse2 aesni sse3 ssse3 sse4_1 sse4_2 avx avx2 avx512f avx512bw avx512cd avx512dq avx512er avx512ifma avx512pf avx512vbmi avx512vl compile_examples enable_gdb_index enable_new_dtags f16c headersclean largefile precompile_header rdrnd shani warnings_are_errors x86SimdAlways private_tests shared rpath debug c++11 c++14 c++1z concurrent dbus reduce_exports reduce_relocations release_tools stl
Build options:
Mode ................................... debug; optimized tools
Optimize debug build ................... no
Building shared libraries .............. yes
Using C standard ....................... C11
Using C++ standard ..................... C++1z
Using ccache ........................... no
Using gold linker ...................... yes
Using new DTAGS ........................ yes
Generating GDB index ................... yes
Using precompiled headers .............. yes
Using LTCG ............................. no
Target compiler supports:
SSE .................................. SSE2 SSE3 SSSE3 SSE4.1 SSE4.2
AVX .................................. AVX AVX2
AVX512 ............................... F ER CD PF DQ BW VL IFMA VBMI
Other x86 ............................ AES F16C RDRAND SHA
Intrinsics without -mXXX option ...... yes
Build parts ............................ libs tools
Qt modules and options:
Qt Concurrent .......................... yes
Qt D-Bus ............................... yes
Qt D-Bus directly linked to libdbus .... yes
Qt Gui ................................. yes
Qt Network ............................. yes
Qt Sql ................................. yes
Qt Testlib ............................. yes
Qt Widgets ............................. yes
Qt Xml ................................. yes
Support enabled for:
Using pkg-config ....................... yes
udev ................................... yes
Using system zlib ...................... yes
Qt Core:
DoubleConversion ....................... yes
Using system DoubleConversion ........ no
GLib ................................... yes
iconv .................................. no
ICU .................................... yes
Tracing backend ........................ <none>
Logging backends:
journald ............................. no
syslog ............................... no
slog2 ................................ no
Using system PCRE2 ..................... no
Qt Network:
getifaddrs() ........................... yes
IPv6 ifname ............................ yes
libproxy ............................... no
Linux AF_NETLINK ....................... yes
OpenSSL ................................ yes
Qt directly linked to OpenSSL ........ no
OpenSSL 1.1 ............................ yes
DTLS ................................... yes
SCTP ................................... no
Use system proxies ..................... yes
Qt Gui:
Accessibility .......................... yes
FreeType ............................... yes
Using system FreeType ................ yes
HarfBuzz ............................... yes
Using system HarfBuzz ................ yes
Fontconfig ............................. yes
Image formats:
GIF .................................. yes
ICO .................................. yes
JPEG ................................. yes
Using system libjpeg ............... yes
PNG .................................. yes
Using system libpng ................ yes
EGL .................................... yes
OpenVG ................................. no
Desktop OpenGL ....................... yes
OpenGL ES 2.0 ........................ no
OpenGL ES 3.0 ........................ no
OpenGL ES 3.1 ........................ no
OpenGL ES 3.2 ........................ no
Vulkan ................................. no
Session Management ..................... yes
Features used by QPA backends:
evdev .................................. yes
libinput ............................... yes
INTEGRITY HID .......................... no
mtdev .................................. yes
tslib .................................. no
xkbcommon .............................. yes
X11 specific:
XLib ................................. yes
XCB Xlib ............................. yes
EGL on X11 ........................... yes
QPA backends:
DirectFB ............................... no
EGLFS .................................. yes
EGLFS details:
EGLFS OpenWFD ........................ no
EGLFS i.Mx6 .......................... no
EGLFS i.Mx6 Wayland .................. no
EGLFS RCAR ........................... no
EGLFS EGLDevice ...................... yes
EGLFS GBM ............................ no
EGLFS VSP2 ........................... no
EGLFS Mali ........................... no
EGLFS Raspberry Pi ................... no
EGLFS X11 ............................ yes
LinuxFB ................................ yes
VNC .................................... yes
Mir client ............................. no
Using system-provided XCB libraries .. yes
XCB XKB .............................. yes
XCB XInput ........................... yes
Native painting (experimental) ....... yes
GL integrations:
GLX Plugin ......................... yes
XCB GLX .......................... yes
EGL-X11 Plugin ..................... yes
Qt Sql:
SQL item models ........................ yes
Qt Widgets:
GTK+ ................................... no
Styles ................................. Fusion Windows
Qt PrintSupport:
CUPS ................................... no
Qt Sql Drivers:
DB2 (IBM) .............................. no
InterBase .............................. no
MySql .................................. no
OCI (Oracle) ........................... no
ODBC ................................... no
PostgreSQL ............................. no
SQLite2 ................................ no
SQLite ................................. yes
Using system provided SQLite ......... no
TDS (Sybase) ........................... no
Qt Testlib:
Tester for item models ................. yes
QML network support .................... yes
QML debugging and profiling support .... yes
QML sequence object .................... yes
QML list model ......................... yes
QML XML http request ................... yes
QML Locale ............................. yes
QML delegate model ..................... yes
Qt Quick:
Direct3D 12 ............................ no
AnimatedImage item ..................... yes
Canvas item ............................ yes
Support for Qt Quick Designer .......... yes
Flipable item .......................... yes
GridView item .......................... yes
ListView item .......................... yes
TableView item ......................... yes
Path support ........................... yes
PathView item .......................... yes
Positioner items ....................... yes
Repeater item .......................... yes
ShaderEffect item ...................... yes
Sprite item ............................ yes
Qt Tools:
QDoc ................................... yes
Note: Also available for Linux: linux-clang linux-icc
Note: Disabling X11 Accessibility Bridge: D-Bus or AT-SPI is missing.
Qt is now configured for building. Just run 'make'.
Once everything is built, Qt is installed.
You should NOT run 'make install'.
Note that this build cannot be deployed to other machines or devices.
Prior to reconfiguration, make sure you remove any leftovers from
the previous build.
real 17m33.331s
user 6m6.481s
sys 0m33.242s
time nice make
git clone git://code.qt.io/qt/qt5.git --branch v5.12.6
./init-repository --module-subset=qtbase,qtdeclarative
mkdir build
cd build
../configure -opensource -confirm-license -release -make libs -no-widgets -no-pch -prefix /usr/local
nice time make
make install
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